Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Don't let fear take a front seat...for you are able!!

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21

My grandma was 100 yrs old lived by herself and shy of 45 days of being 101, in 2010, and she needed a miracle. Can you imagine at 100 needing a miracle?  She had seen so much and experienced more than anyone, at least in our family, had experienced. She was such a Godly woman whose faith had never been shaken; at least while we were growing up.

I could hear her singing such wonderful songs, like “Amazing Grace”, “Then sings my soul my Savior God to thee, how great Thou art how great Thou art.” Songs with such power and meaning and would rise with such intensity when she'd get to the choruses. Her little voice, barely above a whisper seemed so frail, yet she was full of inner strength and full of spunk!  That must run in the family, for those who know me at least the spunk part.

I went for my usual walk and stood overlooking the small valley at the end of our street. For the last several days the Lord has spoken to me many wonderful thoughts. But today something seemed different, as I was praying under my breath....I stopped talking….and stood listening.... I heard nothing but just a few birds here and there not like most mornings. I looked down below me realized I hadn't noticed before how treacherous and dangerous it was and wondered how could anyone below be able to get up this steep hill, it’s not smooth, lots of bushes, trees and a good portion of large sporadic rocks. 

Then I heard His still small voice say to me… “You‘re ABLE with the right tools, strength and a will to overcome the obstacles set before you”. 
Ok that made sense, it could be measured out, I could gage the steps...yes it could be possible to climb up the side of this hill.
Since I'm no expert, I figured if I got a running start and just plowed right up it I'd be at the top in no time.  Now that would be quite the sight to behold slipping, sliding and looking as if I didn't know what I was doing and you're right, I don’t!

Now, an experienced hiker would be prepared, he knows all about his skill, his talent,  all the right equipment in order for him  to scale right up the side with hardly any effort. 
Why? Because each step was calculated they prepared and positioned themselves  before they progressed up the side of the mountain.  They achieved what they were ABLE to do and that was to overcome the obstacles. 
Sometimes that’s how we are in life’s hillside experiences.  We're just moving  along in life and all of a sudden we come up against  a side of a mountain,we can't seem get around it and the only way out…. is up.
We begin to look at the insurmountable size and immediately think...”Uh Oh….don’t think I can do this, or if I do try I probably won't make it to the top.” 

Fear takes a front seat.... it sets in and can be overwhelming.....we begin to rationalize the whole picture and then we figure we're not ABLE to follow through, so we simply  give up before we even get started.

I'm relatively sure there are many other scenarios you could have come up with, however my point is this, we are ABLE and can overcome any obstacles, spiritually, in our lives if we are rightly equipped, if we find ourselves in His Word....seek Him in our secret place..... have faith..... trust in Him and believe in ourselves.Without a doubt we would be ABLE!!
Yes my Grandma was like that experienced hiker she was ABLE to climb that mountain so to speak, her miracle did come, and we all experience that miracle with her. She transitioned into a loving home so she could finish out her race with dignity.
Grandma reached her final destination she considered her steps and they were well calculated  and her faith completed her. She was an amazing woman and I'm so thankful that her faith ran deep....What a legacy she passed on to us all.

 She was so ABLE because HE was so faithful!  
The word Able, dunamai: to be strong enough to, be able to, have power. The word combines power and willingness, inherent strength, and action or resources to accomplish an objective or purpose. 
Jude 1:24 “Now to Him who is ABLE to keep you from stumbling, And to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.” 
No matter the circumstances in your life or the size of your mountain you are ABLE!

Thanks for stopping by "Today's Word of Purpose" and remember to keep Him close to your heart! 


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