Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Oh, go ahead….Clap and Shout!

I just love to see my grandchildren excited, especially if they're coming to Tutu and Pa Tutu’s (that's Hawaiian for grandma and grandpa, the short version) house to spend the night. To see their faces light up with such exuberance... jumping up and down uncontrollably…. clapping their hands and shouting at the top of their lungs, fills my heart with such joy
One can’t help but smile and join in with them…and on occasion I certainly have. I love to sing this song to them that always brings some kind of amusement …my husband’s father used to sing this to our children and so I have continued this tradition to our grandchildren…and we all say it at the same time as fast as we can and the faster we say it the louder we get, usually at the top of our lungs.
“I love you a bushel and a peck forever and ever to infinity and beyond amen”…of course we have modified this from the song “I love you a bushel and a peck”…..consequently we’ve reformed the song and made our own version!
We laugh because I always let them win...and to see their faces just makes you laugh right along with them. They so want to beat you and they typically always do…and we usually sing this when it’s time to head home…..each one has their own expression and reaction and I so love it.
So this morning as I was spending some quiet time this thought came to me…”shout to God with a voice of triumph.”
So I found the scripture and felt compelled to expound… so here goes.
Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph! Psalm 47:1
Clap: To strike the palms of the hands together with a sudden explosive sound, as in applauding.
We use our hands for various activities like applauding with one’s hands, as an expression of delight, as seen in this scripture.  The hands referring to in this scripture symbolizes predominantly power and strength.
So clap with all your might.  Jesus used His hands often bringing healing and blessing and ultimately….. for redemption.
Shout:  The use of uttered sounds for auditory communication
“Jubilate Deo”- from a Latin word meaning "shout for joy", "Rejoice in the Lord."
We shout at games, at our children, hopefully in a good way, with a loud cry of joy for something they have done well.  We shout with excitement at wonderful events or at times of distress.
Scripture often speaks of praise in terms of shouting, reflecting both the joy of the speaker and the greatness of God.
The term shout has several synonyms, so if one of these fit...then be my guest…lift your voice!
Cry, yell, scream, bellow, and I like this one… roar...just to name a few.
Also a person’s voice expresses a person’s character, thoughts and emotions, and attracts attention by its tone and volume.
The sound of your voice should be a familiar voice to your family, husband, wife, friend but it’s possible that it can be mistaken for someone else’s……
However make no mistake… He knows your voice He even knows your name and the hairs on your head… go ahead…shout for joy!!!
The sound of victory, of triumph is heard from every camp that has won a battle. It means just have accomplished something that you’ve been battling that has come against you…and He has given you the power to overcome and to conquer. It’s time to celebrate.  And The children of Israel marched around the walls of Jericho and with a great shout; the wall of the city fell down flat. Joshua 6 Go ahead..clap..shout!
There was a medieval law requiring that all citizens shout, make an outcry"; within earshot give chase to a fleeing criminal. Also it is said back in wartime that troops would shout , yell as they attacked their enemy. Boy sure reminds me of times that I have literally shouted to the enemy and his troops to flee.
 If you’re facing a battle know that as you release the clapping, and the lifting your voice to your creator is a guaranteed that victory is yours, at every hand!
So go ahead….express yourself as if you were attending a game or better yet in a game and your team has just won!  He loves to witness your joy, love and praise to Him!
Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph! Psalm 47:1

1 comment:

  1. I loved this post. Sometimes I forget how much he delights in me. In my joy and triumphs. Time to make some noise! :)
