Friday, April 13, 2012

Carry the day

My oldest granddaughter, Jordan came to stay with us for a few days and during that time she would go with me on my walks. She asked me why I came to this particular spot...I told her I can look over the valley and be at peace…..and hear from the Lord and also talk to Him as well. She was happy with the answer… we stood there for a few minutes then decided to move on. As we walked back home she started picking up rocks. She soooo LOVES rocks. There were so many different size and colors. She was in rock heaven…Her little pockets were stuffed and over flowing in addition her hands being full.  She asked if I wouldn’t mind helping her carry some back to the house, of course I said sure.

I asked her however, Jordan why don’t you just get a few and leave the rest behind. She simply answered…”well each one is special they have different colors and some are just really unusual and I can’t just leave them.”

 She wanted to inspect each one when we got home. She realized how heavy these small rocks became in her pocket. She said you know if you could somehow melt these together wouldn’t that be awesome…it would make one big rock with multiple colors! I said yes…it would be awesome…but each rock has its own significance and each one if put together fitted just right would make a pretty good foundation. So started the thought …the rock.

 We represent, by our confession the type of person on which the true church is built on.

The Rock….is what Jesus is referring to in Matt 16:18 “ And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it”…

 We as the representative apostle, disciples, leadership etc. are to be the foundation in the church…….Eph 2:20 having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone. Jesus also in the Word refers to Himself as the rock.

A rock is a symbol of strength and immovability a place where people in danger often look for refuge. God is depicted as the Rock of Israel, being the strength, security and deliverance for his people.
With that being said we really have no excuse not to be able to prevail against the things in our lives…. I chuckle because this season on The Biggest Loser is “No Excuses”…they’re working not only the outward appearance of no excuses but they too are dealing with all their inner excuses.
 There’s no excuse for us as believers…yes we are constantly barraged and seemly bombarded by the enemy and  honestly we too can be our own enemy….sometimes all he has to do is plant a little itty bitty seed and then we run amuck….flailing our arms and running in a mad circle....nowhere but into confusion and defeat!
 Christ has given to us a sure foundation, yet it’s up to us whether we continue to build on it or allow the foundation to become unsettled so there is a shifting, and cracking in the foundation?

Ask yourself this question…what’s prevailing against you?

Only you can allow that prevailing….yes there maybe obstacles, complications and difficulties in our lives that simply are not going to go away….but you have that choice to allow it to prevail over you or you to prevail against it, regardless of what you are experiencing!

I know firsthand…I have a daughter who was diagnosed with a rare incurable disease…by what the doctors say…. it’s not incurable….whether God heals her or if He chooses to do other things in her life, all we can do is move forward and prevail through it……and yet through all her pain everyday…..some days worse than others…..she prevails against…yes her and I meet together and we pray, praise and are thankful for her life and what God has promised to her, to me as her mother…but we are prevailing against it!

So no excuses… and Jesus said… “And on this rock I WILL build MY church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against…..whose the church?

Then conquer, overcome, get the better of it, win through it, be victorious……. Prevail!
Carry the day and win the day, to be successful; to win a competition, argument, etc. (Originally meaning to win a battle.)

In His Love

1 comment:

  1. Debbie,
    This is so true, we must know that we can are to prevail through what the enemy tries to stronghold us with. For HE has given to us authority and wisdom to stand strong and to be steadfast. He truly is our cornerstone and strong foundation that we can build on! Thank you for your faithfulness in hearing and speaking what He puts on your heart.
