Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Rendered null and void

The many purchases we buy for bettering our lives always comes with an "Owner’s Manual" have been for as long as I can remember…. just about everything that is purchased has its very own... up close and personal "Owner’s Manual." 

A good question to ask oneself is, “How many times have you turned to your "Owner’s Manual" AFTER which you tried to do it yourself and found yourself so frustrated that you just wanted to pitch the thing that you were working on right out the door or window,  all because you didn't read your very own up close and personal “Owner's Manual?”

Who likes instruction’s, anyway? And for that matter...Who reads them? 
Honestly, I try to …but most often don’t. We feel we can figure it all out for ourselves…in some instances many can…if it’s "Pictorial Instructions!"

We recently purchased an item that required us to read the "Owner’s/User’s Manual" notice the word user…in order for it to work properly and for the warranty to be valid, we had to follow the instructions, thoroughly. The manual was over 21 pages…..it didn't seem long however, because “we..ummm..he” was in a hurry, I'm not pointing fingers just calling it as I see it or in this case as I'm reading it, he just wanted to get it done, so I needed to read "Quick", oh I think I saw something in the packaging!!

Yes I did, in fact, in furthering my investigation I came across a “Quick Setup Guide” instructions, simple to use, so it said... one must be leary when one see's the word "Quick" at least for us it never seems to work!!

Yes in life we sometimes choose to do the QUICK SETUPS  we feel the satisfaction of it running smoothly and seemingly efficiently…UNTIL…to our surprise, we come across a problem in which we skipped…..and at that point  we have to return to the “REAL” manual to get it right. Some manuals will say  “If product has been tampered with by not following manual instructions you cannot return  the product, the warranty is null and void!”

This so reminded me of our eternal Owner’s Manual it’s called His Word, the Bible, it teaches us….. it instructs us… it even cares for us in the most difficult moments of our lives. 

His Word fully equips us with every facet of our lives, that is, “If” we follow the instructions that have been given to us… it’s so simple… not hard at all,  although we can certainly make it harder than it is by not following through and relying on the "Quick SetUps"in our lives!

Many times when our appliances are acting up we run to the "Owner's Manual" in reference to the problem;  now comparing it to God's word when life seems difficult and we can't seem to figure it out...we need to run to His Word there we will find  peace, comfort, and fullness of joy; all that He requires of you is to  pick it up,  read it and then apply it, as simple as that!!
Romans 15:4 “For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.” 
So   in other words, His instructions to us today comes with the confidence and hope of faithfulness and His great love towards us of His Word working in us in the manner as it should be, why?

 Because we've read the "Owner's’ Manual" and have followed  His instructions…for our own good!

                         God left nothing to be rendered null and void!  

Read the Owner/User Manual carefully, "God’s Word" and use it for further reference in every detail of your life, for His Word is guaranteed..... for life!
So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11
Thanks for stopping by “Today’s Word of Purpose”

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