Thursday, September 17, 2015

Oh "NO" not another roadblock!?

……”looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.” Hebrews 12:1-2

Have you ever found yourself at a roadblock in life? I can answer that with an out-and-out yes...and sometimes it's been many roadblocks as I'm asking ..seeking.... praying..."Lord,  not again, now which way do I turn and where do I go from here?"

How many times have you been so headstrong that you plowed ahead ignoring all the visible signs to stop? God will sometimes position roadblocks in front of us that call for our immediate decision to stop...go no further!! And when He does He's pretty emphatic about you turning around and heading into another direction. 
Sound familiar?

God desired for the children of Israel to leave Egypt after years of captivity. Instead of God taking Israel the shortest way possible, He took them through the wilderness before reaching the Promised Land. 
You ask "So why would God lead them by way of the Red Sea, instead of the quickest way to the Promised Land?"   For God said, “Lest perhaps the people change their minds when they see war, and return to Egypt, roadblock?   Exodus 13:17-18

When things aren’t working according to our plans, we  must believe God has put the roadblock up for our own protection and the detours to be used temporarily instead of the main route.
When you come to a roadblock take the detour. A detour could be an expressway to your hopes and dreams. 
Detours...although it may look like you are going in the wrong direction certainly you're not if you're paying attention. And yes it can be confusing, just take a look in the natural our own freeways that are under-construction. One needs to be watchful..ready at any given moment to make a lane change...stop or get off the freeway!! Many time we follow the crowd only to find we're in a bigger mess, instead of relying on our instincts. Just as a spiritual roadblock or detour we must rely on the Holy Spirit to take us to a better place.

Friend, let us not be anxious when God takes us on His detours  for He's already mapped it out for us.  
Philippians 4:6 tells us to be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication, WITH thanksgiving, let your request be made known.  
 We need to choose to pray for direction according to the will of God  in order  that we  don't become anxious in the presence of a roadblock just because we  want to proceed forward...  it's then we need to seek clarity  in order to continue in the direction He has for us.

Sometimes the signs are clearly marked for us to follow, and sometimes  well sometimes it's not... it is then we truly need to be still so He can direct us. I don't know about you but I don't do to well in reaping what I sow in disobedience!! 

Remember roadblocks/detours are not the end of the road; it’s just a bend in the road.

Don't become irritated with God when you hit a roadblock, be reminded, it's God way in keeping you safe and on the right path.
He is not there to hinder you; He is there to assist you in knowing what avenue to take.
So, the next time you’re faced with a roadblock, turn to your personal GPS, "God Protective Service", and He will direct you on the rest of your journey, by way of the Holy Spirit.

Let's pray:
Father, please help me see any barriers that might be blocking my ability to see You and Your plans clearly. Give me the wisdom and strength when I do see a roadblock that I will be able to see the detour  that I will  be able to do what it takes to be still not to cross over any roadblocks so that I can continue on the path You have marked out for me. Help me to keep my eyes on You, trusting that You will show me what I need to do to keep running forward in this race of life..."for you are the author and finisher of our faith!"  Amen.

Thanks for stopping by “Today’s Word of Purpose” and remember to keep Him close to your heart <3 Deb

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