Wednesday, December 9, 2015

In that that we might be qualified to carry out His love

Nevertheless…. above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. Colossians 3:12-16  

We’re definitely into the Christmas season...lights everywhere you look…songs being played... even the smell of Christmas penetrates many stores of cinnamon and spices.
And certainly we can get enveloped in all the events and occasions that are taking place.

The traffic always seems to be heavier....I can’t understand where all these people come from and where they hide all year long… it can be a bit nerve-racking….well in all honestly it’s crazy out there. We often find ourselves in such a hurry traveling from one store to the next to get the best deals…waving people to get out of our way… yes….a bit extreme I know,  but you get my point.

 During the Christmas Season far too many are searching, needing someone or something to fulfill them…. many feel very lonely….. and broken…. they turn to many devices that fill their void.
This brings me to my point of not just celebrating Christmas just on Christmas Day but to be the example of Christ in Christmas, every day!

I'd like to leave you a small gift about His great love and how it can be activated through you in the days ahead. My hope is that it will be encouraging and remind us to take our eyes off ourselves for that one brief moment and speak a word of;

                                  Love    Hope    Joy    Peace

And in this alone knowing that our opportunities are vast to the many we will come in contact with today and in the days ahead.

God always provides the grace and empowerment so that we might be enabled to carry out His love to others regardless of where they've been or who they are. He looks beyond those barriers that many of us put into place. With God’s wisdom present in this way the ethical and moral demands of Christian love can be lived out in every part of our lives, even during the Christmas season.

Let Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord and to the many He leads your way!!

So I leave you with a token from my heart to yours in that you and I might be qualified to carry out His love that as a person who acts in the ways of Christ imitating  Him and allowing His unconditional love to permeate my attitude, that this should invade my motives….my thoughts…. my words and  my actions.  So my gift to you is as shown in 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8. 

"Now faith, hope, and love remain—these three things—and the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13

Thanks for stopping by "Today's Word of Purpose" 
Love Debbie

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