Friday, February 12, 2016

What Is This Thing Called Love?

"Love each other like the members of your family. Be the best at showing honor to each other." Romans 12:10 

I’m glad you could stop by  for a minute or two to join me as I talk about  “Love”. Today Rod and I celebrate 44 years of marriage and my thoughts go back to when we were dating there wasn’t anything that either one of us would do for one another. However, it wasn’t always about showing our love by purchasing gifts it was the many times spent together examining the truths in God’s word  regarding love towards us, not only through examining His Word it strengthened our relationship as a couple and taught us how important it was to honor our family and ultimately, God.

Love is a subject of vital importance, not only because of our uncertain ideas about what love really is, but because love is a matter of highest priority: “But now abide faith, hope, and love, these three; but the greatest of these is love” 1 Corinthians 13: For a number of reasons, Paul regards love as greater even than faith and hope.

 “Love” is one of the most common, yet misused and misunderstood words in the English language. On the bookshelf or Television “love” is synonymous with “romance” and seldom used with some kind of connotation or even condition.

Paul prayed that the believers in Ephesus would be able to grasp the length, width, depth, and height of God's love. He desired that they know the love of Christ, which surpasses knowledge, so that they would be filled with the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:16-19. The wide expanse of God's love has been the theme of the gospel throughout the ages, oh how I love this...for to have His love is to know His love.

In Paul’s own words found in Romans 12:10 “Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another;”  here we read Paul saying  to give honor to others in that we must seek the best interests of others, in love, unconditional love and without expectations.  

Paul expects us to exercise warm affection, family love, and brotherly love toward not only believers but leading the way in that honor by doing so it may win over those who may not know Christ.

This Sunday is Valentine’s Day the second most celebrated holiday other than Christmas. It’s a day for many to reflect on one another’s love whether it’s a husband and wife…your and friends and as you do take time to reflect on the "Father’s love" first and the many ways He has shown you.

My prayer is to help me to look for ways to honor other believers before they honor me.  Help me to recognize other believers’ accomplishments before they honor mine.  Show me ways to defer to other believers before they defer to me. What can I provide in a relationship rather than what can I receive from it. 

Forgive me for not honoring when honoring was required of me as Jesus gave Himself away many times throughout His ministry. Thank you that I recognize the length, width, depth, and height of Your love, let me be reminded daily. Ephesians 3:16~19

Have a sweet weekend and don’t forget to honor someone….you never know what ripple effect that may start!
Love Deb

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