Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A call to Sow

It’s almost time to start preparing for that garden you’ve always wanted.. You say why so early… for some it’s still winter but spring will soon be upon us…..in fact there’s a lot to be expected to prepare for a garden in order to plant seeds.
For those who know me know that this is not necessarily an earthly garden that I'm talking about,  it's really the same in the spiritual scheme of it all ... so just hang with me for a moment or two!
This my interpretation of "How does your a garden grow"..... here goes:

You can’t dig a hole and plant a seed and expect to have a great harvest!

Oh maybe you could, come to think of it, it has been done…but you will not succeed with an abundance of what you’ve planted….it will be weak and puny and you’ll be disappointed and frustrated because you didn’t take the time to follow the course of action and eventually you dig it up and throw it away!
There is a bit of planning that you have to take into consideration when you start a garden.

First you need to know what you’re going to plant and what climate zones you live in, in order for your garden to be fruitful.  You also need to prepare your ground; you’ll need the right equipment.
Then you have to know the depth in which to plant your seeds,  if you plant to deep you will lose the seedlings…if it’s too shallow then any watering you do will wash it away.
You also need to know the measurement between each plant so they won’t be overcrowded and product puny fruit and vegie’s.  Then you need to know when to harvest it, if you pick it too early it will not be at its fullest flavor…..Believe it or not you can even have companions that will enhance what you’re growing.

And the most important thing…at least I think, you have to watch for disease and pests…boy in a heartbeat your harvest can be destroyed….  And most times those pesky little buggers can be so hidden you can’t see them on outer surface…they can eliminate a portion of your harvest before you even know it…. They are no respecter of persons!  
You must keep a watchful eye!  Don’t be careless for it can be consumed before you know it!

Yes for some, gardening can be a bit challenging, there’s a lot to do to get the ground prepared to plant good seed! You have to know what will grow in your climate, you have to know what kind of soil will produce good fruits….One can’t just go out and not till and prepare the ground and expect to have a lush harvest! 
Follow the guidelines and in the end you’ll see the fruit of your labor, don’t give up too quickly.

If you want an abundance of harvest you must be willing to invest….to invest you must be willing to sow……when you sow adequately, you reap abundantly …..you must be willing to sow rightly…. to show forth the harvest.
What and who are you sowing these days? What are you doing to prepare…. to yield that ground…. The abundance of harvests is the greatest investment  into His Kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven!
It’s worth all the efforts & the determination to witness the end results…. absolutely amazing… you just have to trust that in all your endeavors, it will pay off… really!
And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9
Eventually you will see the fruit of your labor…”Oh taste and see that the Lord is good blessed is the man/woman who trust in Him! Psalm 34:8

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