Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Are looking at your circumstances’ and only glimpsing at God?

For the most part those who know me know that you can read me like a book…I cannot hide anything…my face or expressions tells it all… some would consider that being transparent…well maybe but without the words… I can tell you this, that I have always been one to be transparent. Why, because I believe our life experiences can always help someone who is facing a similar situation or circumstance in a person’s life. Look at the great examples of people in the Word of God.

So I'm going to be a bit transparent today!

As I look back over the last several years, there have been times where it has seemed so incredibly terrifying… and I had been moved by my circumstances and felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. feeling and thinking that I was not  going to ever move around or through my circumstances…even as a believer…what a lie I fell into…there were times I couldn't eat…sleep….or function in a manner that was pleasing to others let alone my Heavenly Father. Yes at those desperate times… I  LOOKED at my circumstances and only GLIMSPED at my heavenly Father….

I was overwhelmed…. wringing my hands, sweat with worry, sleepless nights. Yet,  I felt  however at the time I was demonstrating the epitome of a strong believer… but I confess… on the inside I was not...at least I felt that way…I was  supposed to be that someone who had it all together, who had answers for people who asked for help,  boy who was I kidding?  

I know we all at one time or another have been in situations where we couldn’t put one foot in front of the other, asking ourselves where our next meal was coming from...how we’re going to pay our overdue bills, who’s going to help with the medical bills that are delinquent and the list goes on and on…and during these times one can sense they are drowning and we consistently ask why is this happening to me and I see no way out? And if you're saying to yourself, I’ve never said that or experienced that….well then I admire you. I just know that in all my years of ministry….there have been those times.
Sometimes it can be bad choices and sometimes it’s just because bad things happen to good people…and we have to determine in our hearts…where am I going to stand in all this? I know in Ecc 8:14 speaks of it raining on the just and unjust alike…. was I going to sit in a puddle or be drowning in the torrent of rain….was I in self-doubt feeling sorry for myself or stand in faith that He was going to work these things out work and work them out for my good and for His glory?

Yet through it all, He remained faithful to me and that His love for me remained unwavering, unconditional…..

I believe there is someone somewhere right this very moment that is going through some very difficult circumstances.  Life seems to have overtaken you and your situation seems insurmountable.  Don’t look at your circumstances or situation and only glimpse at your Heavenly Father who loves and cares for you.

 When we begin to look at the overwhelming circumstances it presents itself with an overwhelming defeatable emotion… Elijah was a great prophet that God used in many ways as you study the Word in 1 Kings 19.

Elijah was challenged and God demonstrated His power over Baal, and Jezebel who was wicked in her heart spoke A (few) words and sent a messenger to kill Elijah and those words transferred fear into his heart , so Elijah fled, ran in terror. He LOOKED at his circumstance and only glimpsed at God!  But you will soon find the amazing thing God did for Elijah.

 God’s revelation to Elijah spoke to Elijah circumstance in his life and told Elijah to go out and stand on the mountain and behold the Lord, as He passed by.  

God is so merciful towards His people and He doesn't always do things the same for every person as you find in 1 Kings 19. He didn’t do the same for Elijah as He did for Moses...yet the Lord presented a way of escape…Elijah retorted with self-pity but God responded with gentleness and He gently pulled him, Elijah,  from his despair and gave him 3 assignments and assured him He was not alone! 

read for yourself and see what God did for Elijah…Then Elijah revealed his heart towards God and realized that by glimpsing at his circumstances and looking to God He was able to fulfill the call on not only his own but also in someone else’s life. So you see it’s not always about us…He is using your situation to speak into others.

When we only glimpse at God we can be moved with the mind of doubt/fear  and be convinced that nothing can be done…don’t look and be fixed with your natural eye …remember, He has all power over every circumstance in every situation.

Do Him a favor and take a good looonnng look at Him and only glimpse at your circumstances!  And yes He made a way of escape and it was right in front of me all the time….I just needed to LOOK to Him!
Let me leave you with the definition of Looking and Glimpsing,
Looking: Observing, watching, beholding, considering, staring.
Glimpsing: Catch sight of, glance at, peek at, hint.

Know this one important thing, He is always LOOKING at us….and aren’t you glad?

He is so faithful to us all no matter your circumstances!!
Thanks for taking the time to read this today, I know He spoke to someone's heart!

1 comment:

  1. I so appreciate you being real, Deb! Having people in your life that are willing to be real is a gift, and you're right it always brings encouragement. You said it well! I love the reminder to look at God and glimpse at circumstances. Great reminder I need regularly. Bless you!
