Tuesday, June 23, 2015

But remember this is not about me!

But remember this is not about me!

Today I fashioned in my heart that I was going to start “My Prayer Walk” and yes I’m going all by myself. I can’t wait to get going and have some very special time with the Lord. Oh and I’m sure He too is anxious to hear from me as well!  So I fashion myself with all my gid-up And then question myself should I wash my hair…or just put a hat on…are my hats clean…what if someone I know rounds the corner and recognizes that it’s me and I look like I just crawled out of bed…well…

But remember it’s not about me!
 It’s  amazing how many excuses you can come up with when you're doing something all by yourself.
I thought I don’t need to go outside when its cold; I can walk around my house and pray I don’t need to go for an actual walk, do I?  I mean what so different about going outside and walking when I can just do it right in the comfort of my own home…you think… really!? As I started with such great intentions I clearly found how distracted I became. I was not able to focus… not one bit...

But remember this is not about me!

I would walk from one room to the next with good intentions of just pressing through but then I would notice something that needed my attention, so of course you do what is automatic, you pick up clothes, put back grand kids toys, you tidy the bed, you see laundry you go out to the laundry room and you take out and you put in… now remember I’m praying…isn’t that why they call it, “A Prayer Walk?”
I walk out of one room into another and as I cross the threshold, really I’m praying…. Hardly recalling what I’m supposed to be praying about……and how hard can it be…. You’re just going in one room walking around and coming right back out….I answered my own question….it is hard… I get distracted?

But remember this is not about me!

I had to laugh at myself because I’m thinking well this didn’t accomplish much prayer except my house is clean and my laundry’s done....yes Lord I know that there’s a need to be prayed about…ok I’ll get out and start walking ..that’s it…I’m going…hang on I need to take my phone in case there’s an Emergency….what if my husband needs me or if my kids call or a friend…..then I contemplate should I put my earpiece on and hold my cell phone so as I’m walking and talking to the Lord flaying my arms and shaking my head,  I can only imagine what that might look like from a distance, it would look as if I’m on my cell phone?
But remember this is not about me!

This went on for a good 40 mins and I finally figured this is not going to work. My point is this, how am on concentrating on praying to the Lord?  Why is my concentration so bad?  Why couldn't I have just got up put on all my gizmo’s and head out the door?  Why have I allowed myself to be so distracted? Pretty simple questions wouldn't you say.
Then the thought interrupted me, boy is this how I communicate with my family?
Do I say to them I've got this really interesting story or thought and I want to share it with you and before I can even consider finishing a sentence or for that matter finish eating my dinner I'm off doing something else.
But remember it’s not about me.

How long to you suppose it would take till they said… “Whelp there she goes, is she coming back” …… “where did she go?”…. ”she was here a minute ago…..what she had to say seemed important, but I only got a portion of what she was saying...did it makes sense to you?”

Then you realize, opps, I just left my family, my friends, just hanging and scratching their heads. They've become accustomed to my behavior, of starting a statement and not finishing it because I’m up attending to this or that.

I have a friend who says to me “Aren't you supposed to be Mary? But your acting like Martha…stop it…you're so out of character”... we both laugh and  then, off I go!

I'm really trying hard to take off the Martha hat…busy busy busy…what am I so busy about? Not that Martha’s all that bad....there’s just a time and place for Martha.... I'm working on it!!

But remember it’s NOT about me!

I had 2 dogs, they were small Dachshunds, brothers Spankie and Stymie.  They love to be with me every waking moment. (Mind you mine were human; at least they thought they were) They'd sit by me, on my lap, lay by me, every move I’d make that’s where they wanted to be.

They would follow me everywhere I go, whether I’m in the house or outside they were right under my feet. Poor little guys they were just as busy as me!!!

There are times I would look around to see where they were in my busyness. I’d see Spankie right next to me trotting right along, then I realize Stymie had stopped dead in his tracks,  yet he still had his eye on me, he was good at waiting, waiting till I come back by, then he’d pick up where he left off.
                               Have I painted a picture for you today?

How busy are you? Are you busy but not accomplishing what you set out to do?
Do you find that you start out with the rightful desires and good intentions; yet you end up feeling like you've run a marathon with no end in sight?  And then you ask what am I accomplishing?

Did you tell the Lord… “Today is the day, I’m gonna make a change, I’m gonna let you be in charge. “I’m gonna start that project that you have been asking of me, “I’m gonna volunteer in the areas that you have been asking me to fulfill.”  And the list goes on….

But remember it’s not about me!

The Lord beckons us everyday to seek Him to have a relationship with Him to spend quiet time with Him, so we can hear His heart and do what is required of us.

Isaiah 50:4b says “He awakens Me morning by morning He awakens My ear To hear as the learned. The Lord has opened My ear and I was not rebellious Nor did I turn away.”

We need to lay aside all the stuff that seems so important to us to focus and rid ourselves of our distractions so He can give us His thoughts, pour out His love in us to allow Him to speak truths… to give us wisdom…. to give us power and strength so we are able  to share with others that we come across… in a day.

It so reminded me, today, that when I was about my business He was like my little Stymie, my dash hound, who I’m sure if he could have talked would have said “mommy when you’re done I’ll be here when you come back by, then I'll take up my position and move on with you.”

Don’t be so busy that when you look back you see and you realize your walking all alone, you've left Him sitting there just waiting till you return to pick up where you left off…..with Him!

How awesome is our God... how great is His love for us that even when we are doing our own thing, He always has His eyes on you and me.
Psalm 143:8  says….Cause me to hear Your loving-kindness’ in the morning, For in You do I trust; Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, For I lift up my soul to You.  
Remember, it’s not just about me!

Thanks for stopping by “Today’s Word of Purpose”and remember to keep Him close to your heart!
Love  Deb

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