Thursday, June 18, 2015

"Oh come on....let me hear you holler, cry or maybe even a little shout "

This morning as I was spending some quiet time with no worries of answering  the phone or my many messages...I was truly in a place of quietness when out of nowhere this song came to me…”Shout to God with a voice of triumph.”

So I stopped my quietness found the scripture and felt compelled to expound… so here goes.

Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph! Psalm 47:1

Clap: To strike the palms of the hands together with a sudden explosive sound, as in applauding.

We use our hands for various activities like applauding with one’s hands, shaking someones hand in a gesture of welcoming, or as an expression of delight, as seen in this scripture.  However the hands here are referring to in this scripture  that symbolizes predominantly power and strength.

Jesus used His hands often bringing healing and blessing and ultimately….. for greater joy in this that you and I should…clap our hands! So clap with all your might. 

Shout:  The use of uttered sounds for auditory communication.

“Jubilate Deo”- from a Latin word meaning "shout for joy" or "Rejoice in the Lord."

We shout at games, at our children, hopefully in a good way, with a loud cry of joy for something they have done well.  We shout with excitement at wonderful events or at times of great distress.

Scripture often speaks of praise in terms of shouting, reflecting both the joy of the speaker and the greatness of God. The term shout has several synonyms, so if one of these fit...then be my guest…lift your voice!

Cry, call, yell, scream, holler, squall, utter and even let loose and I like this one… roar. You may even come up with your own way of expressing the word shout!

Also a person’s voice expresses a person’s character, thoughts and emotions, and attracts attention by its tone and volume so the sound of your voice should be a familiar voice to your family, husband, wife and friends yet it’s possible that it can be mistaken for someone else’s……However make no mistake… God knows your voice... He knows your name and even knows the very hairs on your head… go ahead…shout for joy!!!

Oh the sound of sweet victory that is heard from every camp that has won a battle. It means just have accomplished something that you’ve been battling that has come against you and He has given you the power to overcome and to conquer it.Yes my friend... It’s time to celebrate!
And the children of Israel marched around the walls of Jericho and with a great shout; the wall of the city fell down flat. Joshua 6... yes I would say there was clapping and shouting going on in the camp of Joshua …So go ahead clap and shout! As my grandchildren say… “I double dog dare you!”

There was a medieval law requiring that all citizens shout as to “make an outcry”; within earshot, that would give chase to a fleeing criminal.
It is also said back in wartime troops would shout as they attacked their enemy. Boy sure reminds me of times that I have literally shouted to the enemy and his troops to flee.
If you're facing a battle know that as you release the clapping and the lifting of your voice to your creator is guaranteed that victory is yours, at every hand!

So go ahead….express yourself as if you were attending a game or better yet in a game and your team has just won! For the Word says in Hebrews 12:1-3…we are in a race running to receive our crowns …so get your pep cheer going for He loves to witness your joy, love and praise to Him!

After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting: "Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God,Revelation 19:1
Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph! Psalm 47:1....

..... and be encouraged to clap and shout it’s your time of victory... not defeat… even if you don't feel like it...go ahead, do it anyway you just may be surprised at what might happen next…. Thanks for stopping by “Today’s Word of Purpose”and remember to keep Him close to your heart.

 Love Deb

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