Thursday, June 4, 2015

From Pain to Purpose

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything" James 1:2-5

Yes I would call that verse… character building!!

God often allows pain to ignite purpose in our lives. And frankly sometimes without motivation, many of us would never fulfill the purposes  which God created us for. Often times  I call it… a mugging invasion…which attacks our life and creates a depth of pain….and in that… all we know to do is press into God with all our being.

Sometimes, our impulse at first is to alleviate the pain…praying, "Lord how fast can I get out from underneath this pain and this process."  

And we then find that we're heading into a second phase. 
And boy, when this happens we quickly find ourselves on our knees before Him not asking for relief but for endurance to make it to the end.  And thus, through this it begins to move us to a new and deeper relationship with God....with purpose.

It's amazing  how we then can discover things about ourselves that  never would have been discovered without this determination; and amazingly about God as well. Slowly, our heart changes from pain to loving obedience because there is a transitioning going on in our hearts and then to our minds. 
No longer do we seek God for deliverance from the pain; we seek His face.... and not His hand.

We then find ourselves moving into a new purpose and destiny for our lives because God separates us from the old life in this process. 

Many examples of  process with a purpose is shown to us in His word.  No doubt Joseph and Peter felt the pain of their individual crises. However, later they realized God's purposes in and through their crisis. Like Joseph, we are able to say, "you meant it for evil, but God meant it for good."  Genesis 50:20

Jesus found Himself in that secret place and there He, too, experienced His own soul being trouble yet His very words to His Father was…”But for this purpose I came to this hour”. We can't imagine the pain that Jesus was pertaining to, however when He spoke these very words,  He knew He had a purpose…a purpose destined for you and me.  John 12:27

It’s in that secret place…. that place that you may need to find yourself alone…shut ~in…with God that He may show you His purpose in your pain and your process!! 
For our present troubles are small and won't last very long however they produce for us a glory that hugely outweighs them and will last forever! 2 Corinthians 4:17
Today, let God move you from that…”place of pain”… to His…”place of purpose”...lacking nothing!

Thanks for stopping by “Today’s Word of Purpose” may your heart be encouraged that your joy WILL come in the morning…. and remember… to keep Him close to your heart!!
Love Deb

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