Monday, July 16, 2012

Thank You Notes

rooted and build up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Colossians 2:7

Isn't it so much fun to receive a "Thank you note"

There are so many different types of "thank you notes” that have been designed. 
Many are simple and sweet... colorful and full of zest... stripes and polka dots... flowers and scenic landscapes... and so much more! 
And the best part of the note in itself is that it’s been written from the

                         “Thankful heart of the writer” 

A  Thank You note exclaims you are appreciated and you are noticed for, maybe,  something that you’ve done out of a heart of love or perhaps just because!

I am positive too that the receiver was thankful you took the time to write and express your heart.
Counting your blessings is a sure way to take your eyes off of the things that appear to be going wrong and focuses them on what is right. 

Giving a “Thank You note” I guarantee will bring a smile to the recipient’s face.  Their hearts will be moved by the simple expression of your thoughtfulness.

With the means today of :
                      Internet, FB, our IPhones

sending a “Thank you note” is almost extinct.

When was the last time you received a “Thank You note” from someone or for that matter when did you sent a “Thank You note” to someone?

Have you ever made a list of the things that you are thankful for?  You’d be amazed at how your mood or attitude begins to change. 
Don’t put off tomorrow what you should do today.

Everything that you have and are was given to you by a loving and generous Heavenly Father. So be thankful!

I write a “Thank You note” every day to my Heavenly Father! Pretty amazing to see what I’ve expressed to Him…and as I’ve reread them I wondered…What in the World was I thinking…but hey...I was sharing my heart  and somehow I don’t think He minded at all!

Just the mere fact that you are reading this at this moment indicates to me that God has given You life for today!  That's something to be so thankful for.

Maybe you’re one like myself who starts a list and I go go by and mark items on it…so let me suggest that you do the same with a “Thank You note.”

I encourage you to begin your list......

...........then write your "Thank You note"  to God! 

Or surprise someone, get started today and see the abundance of His great love and thankfulness being poured right out of your heart!
Psalm 100:4  says to......Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.

Thank Him... praise Him.
As a Pastor, some time ago, I suggested to the Women’s Ministry to begin their own “Thank You Notes” to the Lord, make it a point to get to it each day. Either write it in their journal’s or on something that they could keep, tuck it away and in 6 months they could look back and see the Thankfulness of their hearts expressed to their Heavenly Father.

It was liberating to hear what they shared and to see what God actually did for them during that time!

So what are you waiting for?  Go ahead it will make your day!

Thanks YOU for stopping by today, I pray it sparked something in your heart!


Friday, April 13, 2012

Carry the day

My oldest granddaughter, Jordan came to stay with us for a few days and during that time she would go with me on my walks. She asked me why I came to this particular spot...I told her I can look over the valley and be at peace…..and hear from the Lord and also talk to Him as well. She was happy with the answer… we stood there for a few minutes then decided to move on. As we walked back home she started picking up rocks. She soooo LOVES rocks. There were so many different size and colors. She was in rock heaven…Her little pockets were stuffed and over flowing in addition her hands being full.  She asked if I wouldn’t mind helping her carry some back to the house, of course I said sure.

I asked her however, Jordan why don’t you just get a few and leave the rest behind. She simply answered…”well each one is special they have different colors and some are just really unusual and I can’t just leave them.”

 She wanted to inspect each one when we got home. She realized how heavy these small rocks became in her pocket. She said you know if you could somehow melt these together wouldn’t that be awesome…it would make one big rock with multiple colors! I said yes…it would be awesome…but each rock has its own significance and each one if put together fitted just right would make a pretty good foundation. So started the thought …the rock.

 We represent, by our confession the type of person on which the true church is built on.

The Rock….is what Jesus is referring to in Matt 16:18 “ And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it”…

 We as the representative apostle, disciples, leadership etc. are to be the foundation in the church…….Eph 2:20 having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone. Jesus also in the Word refers to Himself as the rock.

A rock is a symbol of strength and immovability a place where people in danger often look for refuge. God is depicted as the Rock of Israel, being the strength, security and deliverance for his people.
With that being said we really have no excuse not to be able to prevail against the things in our lives…. I chuckle because this season on The Biggest Loser is “No Excuses”…they’re working not only the outward appearance of no excuses but they too are dealing with all their inner excuses.
 There’s no excuse for us as believers…yes we are constantly barraged and seemly bombarded by the enemy and  honestly we too can be our own enemy….sometimes all he has to do is plant a little itty bitty seed and then we run amuck….flailing our arms and running in a mad circle....nowhere but into confusion and defeat!
 Christ has given to us a sure foundation, yet it’s up to us whether we continue to build on it or allow the foundation to become unsettled so there is a shifting, and cracking in the foundation?

Ask yourself this question…what’s prevailing against you?

Only you can allow that prevailing….yes there maybe obstacles, complications and difficulties in our lives that simply are not going to go away….but you have that choice to allow it to prevail over you or you to prevail against it, regardless of what you are experiencing!

I know firsthand…I have a daughter who was diagnosed with a rare incurable disease…by what the doctors say…. it’s not incurable….whether God heals her or if He chooses to do other things in her life, all we can do is move forward and prevail through it……and yet through all her pain everyday…..some days worse than others…..she prevails against…yes her and I meet together and we pray, praise and are thankful for her life and what God has promised to her, to me as her mother…but we are prevailing against it!

So no excuses… and Jesus said… “And on this rock I WILL build MY church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against…..whose the church?

Then conquer, overcome, get the better of it, win through it, be victorious……. Prevail!
Carry the day and win the day, to be successful; to win a competition, argument, etc. (Originally meaning to win a battle.)

In His Love

Friday, April 6, 2012

He reflected His Father's Heart
Last Sunday started the walk of triumph and all the events leading up to this day and then Sunday the culmination of the result of His victory!
Praise Him they shouted, as He entered the city…as they in their naïvetés not having understanding that they too were fulfilling the scriptures, was handing over the Savior to the world. A man who walked in humble means, who then was raised the Son of God conquering death… “O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?” 1 Corinthians 15:55 NKJV
Death seems so final...and yet to some, in that perspective, it is….to those who seem to have no hope……Yet I know of that great hope, the hope in Him that He reigns alive and well  to those who are believers in Christ,  who have the perceptive or understanding that the grave could not and did not hold or tie Him down,  there are no grave clothes that held or bound Christ… was the fireworks as seen at the end of a great event if I may be so bold  to describe my emotions, that has given us the eternal hope in Him. Now that’s exciting!

Just think we once had those grave clothes on….He has delivered us and given to us that same power that raised Him from the dead, that we too can overcome and conqueror the grave clothes.  What has been your grave cothes? Today, right this moment can be the time of your freedom, to walk in lack of restrictions!  To be liberated…yes it seems to be a sad day as we reflector the emotions of viewed movies that illustrated our Savior’s death. The brutality of it seems unbearable, even to watch….yet we know He took those strips and beatings for you and I…so we could be free, unrestrained and liberated.
 He reflected His Fathers heart and was then revealed the Son of God to those who stood and mocked Him. Can you imagine the powerful emotion said by the soldier that stood at His feet? “Truly this was the Son of God!”
I believe and am certain He has conquered every sickness, we sometimes think only of health sickness but there are so many other type of sicknesses that we have allowed to infiltrate our minds! What has been unhealthy for you … emotionally, physically or spiritually?
He has the keys to those demises that keep replaying over and over in your mind…. Let not the enemy steal from you, know you too have been given the keys and authority over death, it’s not our final stop! Know Christ as your Savior so you too can be renewed! It’s simple ask in Him into your heart denounce your sins and live for Him!
He reflected the heart of His Father who loved us so much that God revealed Himself in His Son!  Again I say to you…. “Oh death where is your sting and hell where is your victory for we have overcome by the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus!
He had no gravestones to say “Here lies Jesus”…His gravestone was removed to say “I am risen, I am risen indeed!”

Friday may be here…but Sunday’s coming!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Roadblock  or  Detour

Definition of roadblock:

1. A barricade set up to prevent the escape or passage

 2. An obstruction in or across a road,  such as fallen rocks or trees.

3. Something, such as a situation or condition, which prevents further progress toward an accomplishment.

Definition of Detour:

1. A roundabout way or course, especially a road used temporarily instead of a main route.

2. A deviation from a direct course of action.

3. Bypass, Alternative route

Have you ever found yourself at a roadblock in life?  I can answer that with a yes….and sometimes it has been many roadblocks...they’ve not all been at once though at times it may have felt like it.

God will sometimes position roadblocks in front of you that call for your immediate decision to stop or go into another direction.  Some of the paths God will clearly mark out for you to follow, and others you'll have to choose direction according to what the Holy Spirit says.

 I’ve heard of people at railroad crossings who saw the red lights flashing, bells ringing, the train approaching, and still they attempted to race across the tracks.  Those fortunate enough to survive being slammed into and pushed hundreds of feet thought they could outrun the train. Even the littlest signal swaying back and forth at some crossings, if you’re not looking and paying attention, could find yourself in disasters way.

The same is true of people who drive around roadblocks set up during flooding.

 These people see the water running over the bridge, but the water appears low enough to go across safely. Halfway across, the vehicle stalls and they have to be pulled out by a rescue team. Or worse, the driver gets washed away.

How many times have you and I been so headstrong and plowed ahead ignoring all the visible signs to stop? If you disobey the Spirit’s leading, the odds of ending in failure are greater than the odds of ending in success.

When things aren’t working according to your plans, you must believe God has put the roadblock up for your own protection. Now you may be thinking, why hasn’t she brought into the equation, prayer, just read on! When you come to a roadblock there’s always a detour that allows you to take an alternative route.  Do you take the detour? A detour could be an interstate highway to your dream, as you will read Paul had. It’s not the end of the road; it’s a bend in the road.”

God desired for the children of Israel to leave Egypt and return home to the Promise Land.  After four hundred years of captivity, the time came when Pharaoh let God’s people leave Egypt.  Instead of God taking Israel the shortest way possible,(3 days) He took them through the wilderness before reaching the Promised Land (Exodus 13:17-18).

Then it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God did not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said, “Lest perhaps the people change their minds when they see war, and return to Egypt so God led the people around by way of the wilderness of the Red Sea. And the children of Israel went up in orderly ranks out of the land of Egypt.
At this point Moses HAD to hear the voice of God to lead them in a detour.

This could have been a roadblock, for if they would have seen with their eyes/mind, at that point and made a decision not to go ahead and follow the detour, thus not making the right decision with their hearts to follow after God, they would have never made it to the Promised Land.  

Maybe the road of life you’re traveling seems to be off track a bit from your desired destination.It may even look like you are going in the wrong direction. However, do not be concerned when God takes you on His detours because you will always arrive at the correct location.

In another Biblical example, Paul and Silas were two men in the New Testament who traveled around preaching the gospel. Both of these men held true to the path of righteousness and went wherever the Lord guided them. On two occasions the Holy Spirit blocked them from going where they had planned.

Acts 16:6-10 tells us,

6 Now when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia. 7 After they had come to Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit did not permit them (the Holy Spirit blocked that route.) 8 So passing by Mysia, they came down to Troas. 9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night. A man of Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” 10 Now after he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go to Macedonia, concluding that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel to them.

I can just imagine the conversation between the two of them, can’t you? Why aren’t we following through, this is the shortest way for us to get to our destination and so forth. Do we not have those type of conversations with ourselves, with others and with God?

If Paul would have gone the way he and Silas were planning, God knows what could’ve happened.

Wisely, they chose to heed the leading of the Holy Spirit and because of their obedience, God revealed to Paul the correct path for them to follow. Paul knew the importance of making time to seek God in prayer.  I’m certain that he called out to the Lord and asked Him for confirmation on the next move to make.

Proverbs 16:9 says, “The mind of a man plans his way, but the Lord shows him what to do." (NLV)

It’s easy to become irritated with God when you hit a roadblock. And how unfair is that? It’s because we think we know what’s better, maybe? God only wants to keep you on the right path. He is not there to hinder you; He is there to assist you in knowing what avenue to take.

 Therefore, the next time you’re faced with a roadblock, turn to your personal tour guide, God, and He will direct you on the rest of your journey, by the Holy Spirit. Check your roadblocks are they self induced, or is God redirecting you.

Prayer is so important, however we shouldn’t forget it’s the person, not prayer, that God hears. He doesn’t answer prayer, He answers praying people.

Consequently your request to be heard in heaven becomes a person God listens to.

Are you at a roadblock today, have you been traveling so to speak on this journey and things have been going pretty well, you’ve mapped out your destination and then all of a sudden you see ahead lights flashing, cones in the road and someone standing waiting to speak to you regarding the furtherance of your journey? If so take time to Pause, Pray and Praise, be thankful that He is interested in you and loves you enough to direct you into a promised land, waiting ahead. It just may not be in the direction you’ve planned!

Thanks for stopping and observing the roadblock! It could mean a matter of a life changing event!


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Are looking at your circumstances’ and only glimpsing at God?

For the most part those who know me know that you can read me like a book…I cannot hide anything…my face or expressions tells it all… some would consider that being transparent…well maybe but without the words… I can tell you this, that I have always been one to be transparent. Why, because I believe our life experiences can always help someone who is facing a similar situation or circumstance in a person’s life. Look at the great examples of people in the Word of God.

So I'm going to be a bit transparent today!

As I look back over the last several years, there have been times where it has seemed so incredibly terrifying… and I had been moved by my circumstances and felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. feeling and thinking that I was not  going to ever move around or through my circumstances…even as a believer…what a lie I fell into…there were times I couldn't eat…sleep….or function in a manner that was pleasing to others let alone my Heavenly Father. Yes at those desperate times… I  LOOKED at my circumstances and only GLIMSPED at my heavenly Father….

I was overwhelmed…. wringing my hands, sweat with worry, sleepless nights. Yet,  I felt  however at the time I was demonstrating the epitome of a strong believer… but I confess… on the inside I was least I felt that way…I was  supposed to be that someone who had it all together, who had answers for people who asked for help,  boy who was I kidding?  

I know we all at one time or another have been in situations where we couldn’t put one foot in front of the other, asking ourselves where our next meal was coming we’re going to pay our overdue bills, who’s going to help with the medical bills that are delinquent and the list goes on and on…and during these times one can sense they are drowning and we consistently ask why is this happening to me and I see no way out? And if you're saying to yourself, I’ve never said that or experienced that….well then I admire you. I just know that in all my years of ministry….there have been those times.
Sometimes it can be bad choices and sometimes it’s just because bad things happen to good people…and we have to determine in our hearts…where am I going to stand in all this? I know in Ecc 8:14 speaks of it raining on the just and unjust alike…. was I going to sit in a puddle or be drowning in the torrent of rain….was I in self-doubt feeling sorry for myself or stand in faith that He was going to work these things out work and work them out for my good and for His glory?

Yet through it all, He remained faithful to me and that His love for me remained unwavering, unconditional…..

I believe there is someone somewhere right this very moment that is going through some very difficult circumstances.  Life seems to have overtaken you and your situation seems insurmountable.  Don’t look at your circumstances or situation and only glimpse at your Heavenly Father who loves and cares for you.

 When we begin to look at the overwhelming circumstances it presents itself with an overwhelming defeatable emotion… Elijah was a great prophet that God used in many ways as you study the Word in 1 Kings 19.

Elijah was challenged and God demonstrated His power over Baal, and Jezebel who was wicked in her heart spoke A (few) words and sent a messenger to kill Elijah and those words transferred fear into his heart , so Elijah fled, ran in terror. He LOOKED at his circumstance and only glimpsed at God!  But you will soon find the amazing thing God did for Elijah.

 God’s revelation to Elijah spoke to Elijah circumstance in his life and told Elijah to go out and stand on the mountain and behold the Lord, as He passed by.  

God is so merciful towards His people and He doesn't always do things the same for every person as you find in 1 Kings 19. He didn’t do the same for Elijah as He did for Moses...yet the Lord presented a way of escape…Elijah retorted with self-pity but God responded with gentleness and He gently pulled him, Elijah,  from his despair and gave him 3 assignments and assured him He was not alone! 

read for yourself and see what God did for Elijah…Then Elijah revealed his heart towards God and realized that by glimpsing at his circumstances and looking to God He was able to fulfill the call on not only his own but also in someone else’s life. So you see it’s not always about us…He is using your situation to speak into others.

When we only glimpse at God we can be moved with the mind of doubt/fear  and be convinced that nothing can be done…don’t look and be fixed with your natural eye …remember, He has all power over every circumstance in every situation.

Do Him a favor and take a good looonnng look at Him and only glimpse at your circumstances!  And yes He made a way of escape and it was right in front of me all the time….I just needed to LOOK to Him!
Let me leave you with the definition of Looking and Glimpsing,
Looking: Observing, watching, beholding, considering, staring.
Glimpsing: Catch sight of, glance at, peek at, hint.

Know this one important thing, He is always LOOKING at us….and aren’t you glad?

He is so faithful to us all no matter your circumstances!!
Thanks for taking the time to read this today, I know He spoke to someone's heart!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A call to Sow

It’s almost time to start preparing for that garden you’ve always wanted.. You say why so early… for some it’s still winter but spring will soon be upon us… fact there’s a lot to be expected to prepare for a garden in order to plant seeds.
For those who know me know that this is not necessarily an earthly garden that I'm talking about,  it's really the same in the spiritual scheme of it all ... so just hang with me for a moment or two!
This my interpretation of "How does your a garden grow"..... here goes:

You can’t dig a hole and plant a seed and expect to have a great harvest!

Oh maybe you could, come to think of it, it has been done…but you will not succeed with an abundance of what you’ve planted….it will be weak and puny and you’ll be disappointed and frustrated because you didn’t take the time to follow the course of action and eventually you dig it up and throw it away!
There is a bit of planning that you have to take into consideration when you start a garden.

First you need to know what you’re going to plant and what climate zones you live in, in order for your garden to be fruitful.  You also need to prepare your ground; you’ll need the right equipment.
Then you have to know the depth in which to plant your seeds,  if you plant to deep you will lose the seedlings…if it’s too shallow then any watering you do will wash it away.
You also need to know the measurement between each plant so they won’t be overcrowded and product puny fruit and vegie’s.  Then you need to know when to harvest it, if you pick it too early it will not be at its fullest flavor…..Believe it or not you can even have companions that will enhance what you’re growing.

And the most important thing…at least I think, you have to watch for disease and pests…boy in a heartbeat your harvest can be destroyed….  And most times those pesky little buggers can be so hidden you can’t see them on outer surface…they can eliminate a portion of your harvest before you even know it…. They are no respecter of persons!  
You must keep a watchful eye!  Don’t be careless for it can be consumed before you know it!

Yes for some, gardening can be a bit challenging, there’s a lot to do to get the ground prepared to plant good seed! You have to know what will grow in your climate, you have to know what kind of soil will produce good fruits….One can’t just go out and not till and prepare the ground and expect to have a lush harvest! 
Follow the guidelines and in the end you’ll see the fruit of your labor, don’t give up too quickly.

If you want an abundance of harvest you must be willing to invest….to invest you must be willing to sow……when you sow adequately, you reap abundantly … must be willing to sow rightly…. to show forth the harvest.
What and who are you sowing these days? What are you doing to prepare…. to yield that ground…. The abundance of harvests is the greatest investment  into His Kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven!
It’s worth all the efforts & the determination to witness the end results…. absolutely amazing… you just have to trust that in all your endeavors, it will pay off… really!
And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9
Eventually you will see the fruit of your labor…”Oh taste and see that the Lord is good blessed is the man/woman who trust in Him! Psalm 34:8

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Encouragement… it a gift?

We don’t seldom think of encouragement as a gift. It seems ordinary, but in fact it isn’t. It’s quite rare, why, because it’s seldom given and it’s valuable. Why, because it’s so meaningful to the recipient.
Encouragement makes the perfect gift and here’s why; It’s free and it requires no cash expense. However it doesn't mean there’s no cost. It may just cost your time, imagination and thoughtfulness. It requires something from you.
It requires no shopping; just writing a note or making a call may be all that’s necessary.
Encouragement doesn't have to be gifted wrapped; it’s beautiful all by itself.
Encouragement doesn't need batteries, there are many gifts nowadays that require batteries but with encouragement it creates energy all in its own....AND it will last a lifetime.

If you really think about it what gift could you give that will have lasting value ? A word, ask... what kind of word do you mean? A word of encouragement, a word or praise, a word of inspiration or even a word of reassurance. These are all words of encouragement 
So I leave you today with a  word....His word of Encouragement!

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up," 1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV
"Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you." 2 Corinthians 13:11 NIV

Encourage someone today or maybe in your tomorrows, you never know what they maybe going through....on the outward appearance all may appear perfect and look all pulled together, but on the inside their lives may be in shambles!
Be that one to express Christ's love...genuinely care! 
Thanks for stopping by "Today's Word of Purpose" and lending an take it a bit further and make it a voice...make it your voice...someone IS ready...I guarantee... they're ready to hear..... a word of encouragement!


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Oh, go ahead….Clap and Shout!

I just love to see my grandchildren excited, especially if they're coming to Tutu and Pa Tutu’s (that's Hawaiian for grandma and grandpa, the short version) house to spend the night. To see their faces light up with such exuberance... jumping up and down uncontrollably…. clapping their hands and shouting at the top of their lungs, fills my heart with such joy
One can’t help but smile and join in with them…and on occasion I certainly have. I love to sing this song to them that always brings some kind of amusement …my husband’s father used to sing this to our children and so I have continued this tradition to our grandchildren…and we all say it at the same time as fast as we can and the faster we say it the louder we get, usually at the top of our lungs.
“I love you a bushel and a peck forever and ever to infinity and beyond amen”…of course we have modified this from the song “I love you a bushel and a peck”…..consequently we’ve reformed the song and made our own version!
We laugh because I always let them win...and to see their faces just makes you laugh right along with them. They so want to beat you and they typically always do…and we usually sing this when it’s time to head home…..each one has their own expression and reaction and I so love it.
So this morning as I was spending some quiet time this thought came to me…”shout to God with a voice of triumph.”
So I found the scripture and felt compelled to expound… so here goes.
Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph! Psalm 47:1
Clap: To strike the palms of the hands together with a sudden explosive sound, as in applauding.
We use our hands for various activities like applauding with one’s hands, as an expression of delight, as seen in this scripture.  The hands referring to in this scripture symbolizes predominantly power and strength.
So clap with all your might.  Jesus used His hands often bringing healing and blessing and ultimately….. for redemption.
Shout:  The use of uttered sounds for auditory communication
“Jubilate Deo”- from a Latin word meaning "shout for joy", "Rejoice in the Lord."
We shout at games, at our children, hopefully in a good way, with a loud cry of joy for something they have done well.  We shout with excitement at wonderful events or at times of distress.
Scripture often speaks of praise in terms of shouting, reflecting both the joy of the speaker and the greatness of God.
The term shout has several synonyms, so if one of these fit...then be my guest…lift your voice!
Cry, yell, scream, bellow, and I like this one… roar...just to name a few.
Also a person’s voice expresses a person’s character, thoughts and emotions, and attracts attention by its tone and volume.
The sound of your voice should be a familiar voice to your family, husband, wife, friend but it’s possible that it can be mistaken for someone else’s……
However make no mistake… He knows your voice He even knows your name and the hairs on your head… go ahead…shout for joy!!!
The sound of victory, of triumph is heard from every camp that has won a battle. It means just have accomplished something that you’ve been battling that has come against you…and He has given you the power to overcome and to conquer. It’s time to celebrate.  And The children of Israel marched around the walls of Jericho and with a great shout; the wall of the city fell down flat. Joshua 6 Go ahead..clap..shout!
There was a medieval law requiring that all citizens shout, make an outcry"; within earshot give chase to a fleeing criminal. Also it is said back in wartime that troops would shout , yell as they attacked their enemy. Boy sure reminds me of times that I have literally shouted to the enemy and his troops to flee.
 If you’re facing a battle know that as you release the clapping, and the lifting your voice to your creator is a guaranteed that victory is yours, at every hand!
So go ahead….express yourself as if you were attending a game or better yet in a game and your team has just won!  He loves to witness your joy, love and praise to Him!
Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph! Psalm 47:1

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sprinkling or over watering

Awww, today, yes today was better than yesterday. Have you ever said those words?  I’m not going to go into detail but I’m certainly glad that today is today!

I love my prayer walks, each day He speaks to me something new, or gives a word in inspiration, why? Because I have allowed myself to be undisturbed, by anything…. no texts, no phones, no list of things that that need my attention this very second and the list goes on!

Today I didn’t hear as may birds singing or see many flying in fact I probably could’ve counted on both hands how many I saw.  It was strangely quiet. Normally I can hear cars, the school across the way, but nothing except…I could hear the sound of sprinklers coming on, it sounded as if they were right in front of me.  There’s a new housing track that was built a few years ago that I can see when I get to the end of the road, standing overlooking the valley.

It was deceiving, I panned the houses thinking it was right in front of me, but it was actually a several houses to my left and then I heard water spraying and I looked to my right and saw another set of sprinklers doing its job of watering the parched ground.

 It’s been unusually hot these several days. The more you water, the grass, it seems to drink it right up and you find that it’s still in its original state!

Now, I’m no horticulturalist but I do know that if you don’t water something that requires watering…what happens? If you over-water, well it can be a total wash pun intented!

You say to yourself...”what is she brain-less, of course when it’s hot things seem to dry up faster, especially if your not taking care of the grass or any living thing that requires watering.” Get where I’m going with this.

Water what needs to be watered. Has He required something of you lately…are you that person that is sprinkling someone else’s life or are you overwatering them. Sure you intentions are pure and good, but sometimes in our act of doing His will we find we can kinda get in the way…not that that’sall bad but I think we call that being overzealous?

Don’t over water for fear of drowning and destroying what could possible have life.  For life is very precious and fragile, don’t give way to something you feel needs attention... timing is so important. A word spoken in due season, how good it is!

Don’t be deceived by hearing something, thinking it’s coming from the direction you think it’s coming from.

Focus, concentrate know that He provided all your needs from yesterday and gave new life for you today as He will take care of your tomorrows, as He will theirs.

He takes consideration in every single person ….just as we take into consideration, when and how to plant in a garden, the amount of sprinkling or watering and the right seed for the right season!

Isaiah 55:10 As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish,
   so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,

Doing their work of making things grow and blossom, producing seed for farmers and food for the hungry, So will the words that come out of my mouth not come back empty-handed. They’ll do the work He sent them to do; they’ll complete the assignment He gave them.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Don't let fear take a front seat...for you are able!!

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21

My grandma was 100 yrs old lived by herself and shy of 45 days of being 101, in 2010, and she needed a miracle. Can you imagine at 100 needing a miracle?  She had seen so much and experienced more than anyone, at least in our family, had experienced. She was such a Godly woman whose faith had never been shaken; at least while we were growing up.

I could hear her singing such wonderful songs, like “Amazing Grace”, “Then sings my soul my Savior God to thee, how great Thou art how great Thou art.” Songs with such power and meaning and would rise with such intensity when she'd get to the choruses. Her little voice, barely above a whisper seemed so frail, yet she was full of inner strength and full of spunk!  That must run in the family, for those who know me at least the spunk part.

I went for my usual walk and stood overlooking the small valley at the end of our street. For the last several days the Lord has spoken to me many wonderful thoughts. But today something seemed different, as I was praying under my breath....I stopped talking….and stood listening.... I heard nothing but just a few birds here and there not like most mornings. I looked down below me realized I hadn't noticed before how treacherous and dangerous it was and wondered how could anyone below be able to get up this steep hill, it’s not smooth, lots of bushes, trees and a good portion of large sporadic rocks. 

Then I heard His still small voice say to me… “You‘re ABLE with the right tools, strength and a will to overcome the obstacles set before you”. 
Ok that made sense, it could be measured out, I could gage the steps...yes it could be possible to climb up the side of this hill.
Since I'm no expert, I figured if I got a running start and just plowed right up it I'd be at the top in no time.  Now that would be quite the sight to behold slipping, sliding and looking as if I didn't know what I was doing and you're right, I don’t!

Now, an experienced hiker would be prepared, he knows all about his skill, his talent,  all the right equipment in order for him  to scale right up the side with hardly any effort. 
Why? Because each step was calculated they prepared and positioned themselves  before they progressed up the side of the mountain.  They achieved what they were ABLE to do and that was to overcome the obstacles. 
Sometimes that’s how we are in life’s hillside experiences.  We're just moving  along in life and all of a sudden we come up against  a side of a mountain,we can't seem get around it and the only way out…. is up.
We begin to look at the insurmountable size and immediately think...”Uh Oh….don’t think I can do this, or if I do try I probably won't make it to the top.” 

Fear takes a front seat.... it sets in and can be overwhelming.....we begin to rationalize the whole picture and then we figure we're not ABLE to follow through, so we simply  give up before we even get started.

I'm relatively sure there are many other scenarios you could have come up with, however my point is this, we are ABLE and can overcome any obstacles, spiritually, in our lives if we are rightly equipped, if we find ourselves in His Him in our secret place..... have faith..... trust in Him and believe in ourselves.Without a doubt we would be ABLE!!
Yes my Grandma was like that experienced hiker she was ABLE to climb that mountain so to speak, her miracle did come, and we all experience that miracle with her. She transitioned into a loving home so she could finish out her race with dignity.
Grandma reached her final destination she considered her steps and they were well calculated  and her faith completed her. She was an amazing woman and I'm so thankful that her faith ran deep....What a legacy she passed on to us all.

 She was so ABLE because HE was so faithful!  
The word Able, dunamai: to be strong enough to, be able to, have power. The word combines power and willingness, inherent strength, and action or resources to accomplish an objective or purpose. 
Jude 1:24 “Now to Him who is ABLE to keep you from stumbling, And to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.” 
No matter the circumstances in your life or the size of your mountain you are ABLE!

Thanks for stopping by "Today's Word of Purpose" and remember to keep Him close to your heart! 
